1. For !GameRequest you could recycle the custom API Quote system:
2. For !StreamTime check @dpsp491’s response
3. For !NextStream you can use 2 or 3 commands like this:
One command as a place holder for !nextstream:
!nextstream (Click me!)
!addcom !nextstream -cd=5 The next stream is planned in: Set
Another for you or your moderators to set !nextstream:
!setstream (Click me!)
!addcom !setstream -ul=moderator -a=!commands edit !nextstream The next stream is planned in: $(eval "$" + "(countdown $(query) GMT+1)")
//Syntax: !setstream Month Day Year 12-hour-Time am/pm
Note: *Don’t forget to change “GMT+1” to your timezone.
And one final optional command for your mods to set the stream to a: No streams planned.
!setstreamNone (Click me!)
!addcom !setstreamnone -ul=moderator -a=!commands edit !nextstream There is currently no stream planned.
- The !setstream command will allow Moderators to set the time for the next stream with:
!setstream [date]
. - Then Everyone can check the countdown, how long until the next stream with:
. - Alternatively you can change !nextstream to show there are no Streams set with:
Example: !setstream July 17 2017 12 am - Would set !nextstream to Game of Thrones season 7 premiere.
Note: You’ll have to use !setstream or !setstreamNone (depending) during or after each stream, but it works great and doesn’t require you to edit a command’s code every time, just a quick simple !setstream date line.