I dont see <message deleted> in my chat

Hello… I have one problem :confused: I dont see “” in my chat… When someone gets banned it disappears and does not show the

Tested for : Chrome and Mozilla + My friend has the same proble…(Friend use Chrome)
Hide Spam Messages — Hides known spam messages. Click on the message to reveal it - ON
Hide Conversations When Inactive — Only show conversations ui on mousverover or when active - OFF
Remove Deleted Messages — Completely removes timed out messages from view - OFF
Thank you for your response…

This is a side effect of the new twitch moderation logs and takes effect (i believe) only in channels that have chat delay enabled


“As a bonus, when Chat Delay is enabled only moderators will see the infamous system message”

In BetterTTV the only way to stop this from happening is to enabled “Show deleted messages” in your settings. But the isn’t something that can be shown anymore.

I have the same issue. No settings changed. no delay.

An issue of this topic already exists on Github, where all bugs should be reported:

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