How to see a total $(count) without adding to it help please

I have a command :!duodubs = Duo wins $(count)’ and i want to show the count without adding to it. Every time someone does the command it adds to it I just want to show the number
Duo wins $(count):is 30
!duodubs = Duo wins $(count):31
!duodubs = Duo wins $(count):32

!addcom !duodubs Duo wins 0
!addcom !duodubsaddwin -a=!editcom !duodubs Duo wins $(count)
!addcom !duodubsreset -a=!editcom !duodubsaddwin \-c=-1

!duodubs displays the count
!duodubsaddwin increases the count by 1
!duodubsreset resets the count (you must use !duodubsaddwin after using this command)

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thanks this helps a lot :grinning:

is there a way to add 3 of these into 1 command like

!addcom !solodubs Solo wins 0
!addcom !solodubsaddwin -a=!editcom !solodubs Solo wins $(count)

!addcom !duodubs Duo wins 0
!addcom !duodubsaddwin -a=!editcom !duodubs Duo wins $(count)

!addcom !squaddubs Squad wins 0
!addcom !squaddubsaddwin -a=!editcom !Squaddubs Squad wins $(count)

!addcom !allwins All Wins 0

also i cant put these in my own channel like nightbot is not here

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