How to fix wrong response from custom command - YouTube

I’ve created a custom command

$(urlfetch json$(querystring))

if i run on browser, i got it

Voo DLH 0506 [Frankfurt] estimado para pousar hoje às 04:40 e o desembarque previsto para ocorrer no Terminal (T3) e sua bagagem estará disponível na esteira 304

But when i run this on YouTube channel, i got this

​Voo DLH 0506 [Frankfurt] estimado para pousar hoje às 04:40 e o desembarque previsto para ocorrer no Terminal (T3) e sua bagagem estará disponível na esteira 304<!–va

I’d like to know how to remove <!–va from my response.


Nightbot will simply include all text in the request in plaintext. If your response includes html like comments then nightbot will include them as well. They’ll need to be removed from your response from the custom api.

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Thks… it works after removed all html/javascript code

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