How do nighbots chat automatically in live chat, without anyone telling them to like! example, without anyone chatting, nighbots chat automatically, for example: every 2 minutes nighbot chat "subscribes", without anyone commenting on live chat

how do nighbots chat automatically in live chat, without anyone telling them to like! example, without anyone chatting, nighbots chat automatically, for example: every 2 minutes nighbot chat “subscribes”, without anyone commenting on live chat

Heya @FiihZx Title appreciated!

You probably mean Nightbot Timers. There is nothing like, ...nighbots chat automatically in the live chat...

Nightbot Timers is a feature to send messages at specific intervals. Something like sending SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL !! in every 10min or, FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM !! or any other.


For your specific use case this is not possible the least amount of time is 5 minutes and people have to be chatting in between to activate it. This is to prevent nightbot from spamming your chat while you not live/ no one is talking in chat

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