Hey guys... Need help with something


I have a command for !wins that says me have 2 wins (20k, 10k).
Is it possible to add those 2 wins to a totalcounter !totalwins.

So when i !addwin 10 it goes into the !wins with 10kills. But can it also go into a !totalwin counter with only wins, no kills ?


I assume you used this forum post to create the !wins command:

I’ve rewritten the commands a little bit. Now they are called !addwin & _!addwin which adds the number of kills and a single win to the counter, and !wins which gathers the number of kills for each game won. Replace PUBLIC_TOKEN with your public token and PRIVATE_TOKEN with your private token.

!addcom -ul=mod !addwin -a=_!addwin $(eval a=parseInt(decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`),10);`PRIVATE_TOKEN`+(a>=0?`&data=~${a}K~`:``))

!addcom -ul=mod _!addwin $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=$(query))`;b=decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`);b.includes(`PRIVATE_TOKEN`)?(a.includes(`Successfully added entry`)?`$(channel) won another game with ${b.split(`~`)[1].split(`K`)[0]} kills!`:`Invalid input!`):`Use !addwin`)

!addcom -cd=5 !wins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~/g);a?(b=a.length,c=`(`+a.map(x=>x.slice(1,x.length-1)).join(`, `)+`)`):(b=0,c=``);`$(channel) has ${b} wins ${c}`)

This is a !totalwins command that only outputs the total number of wins:

!addcom -cd=5 !totalwins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~/g);`$(channel) has ${a?a.length:0} wins`)

yeah i used that post…

But dont i have to !addcom -cd=5 !totalwins? I want a !totalwin command and i also want to add those win
i have now. And then i want when i !addwin it will count in the wins i allready have in !totalwins…
My english isnt that good… i have hard to explain in english :slight_smile: So i hope you understand.

Ah yeah, just replace !wins with !totalwins and that’ll be good.

thx man… ill try that…

and lets say i allready have 300 wins… can i add that somehow and it count it from those wins ?

Let’s see then… I’ll have to edit the code

but when i do that it will add 1 win with 300 kills ?


Here’s a new version of !wins with 300 wins already.

!addcom -cd=5 !wins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~/g);a?(b=a.length,c=`(`+a.map(x=>x.slice(1,x.length-1)).join(`, `)+`)`):(b=0,c=``);b+=300;`$(channel) has ${b} wins ${c}`)

Here’s a new version of !totalwins with 300 wins already.

!addcom -cd=5 !totalwins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~/g);`$(channel) has ${(a?a.length:0)+300} wins`)


doesnt seems to work… :confused:

when im now typing !addwin 15 it says in !wins 1 win with 15 kills. But it should say in !totalwins 301

There’s a piece of code in the new !wins command:


This should add 300 wins to the total wins count.

I’m not sure why it’s not working. Perhaps try deleting !wins then re-adding it using the new code above.

didnt work…

and now my !wins just shows Nightbot: Right-hand side of ‘instanceof’ is not an object

wtf is that ?

I’ll head over to your channel to see what’s going on.


New batch of commands, rewritten so that it keeps track of both a per-stream and all-time number of wins. Replace PUBLIC_TOKEN with your public token and PRIVATE_TOKEN with your private token.

!addcom -ul=mod !addwin -a=_!addwin $(eval a=parseInt(decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`),10);`PRIVATE_TOKEN`+(a>=0?`&data=~${a}K~0~`:``))

!addcom -ul=mod _!addwin $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=$(query))`;b=decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`);b.includes(`PRIVATE_TOKEN`)?(a.includes(`Successfully added entry`)?`$(channel) won another game with ${b.split(`~`)[1].split(`K`)[0]} kills!`:`Invalid input!`):`Use !addwin`)

!addcom -cd=5 !wins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch json https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~\d+~/g);a?(a=a.filter(x=>x.split(`~`)[2]==a[a.length-1].split(`~`)[2]&&x.split(`~`)[1]!=`0K`),b=a.length,c=a.length?`(`+a.map(x=>x.split(`~`)[1]).join(`, `)+`)`:``):(b=0,c=``);`$(channel) has ${b} wins ${c}`)

!addcom -cd=5 !totalwins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~\d+~/g);`$(channel) has ${a?a.filter(x=>x.split(`~`)[1]!=`0K`).length:0} wins`)

!addcom !resetwins -a=!editcom !addwin $(eval `$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=~0K~$(count)~)`;"$"+"(eval a=parseInt(decodeURIComponent(`$"+"(querystring)`),10);`PRIVATE_TOKEN`+(a>=0?`&data=~${a}K~$(count)~`:``))")

Thx man…i cant thank you enough. im really grateful for what you have done.

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