sorry for the title dont know what term should i use.
Any help is highly Appreciated!
sorry for the title dont know what term should i use.
Any help is highly Appreciated!
Well currently there is no way for nightbot to keep track of everyone’s gold really. But it is technically possible to just have a command with a random out put that is like gambling except there would be no currency.
any idea how to do like that?
Ok answer these first.
What do you want the odds to be of winning?
Do you want them to have to put a number in after the command?
What do you want the min and max win to be?
command will be
!diamond = result will be random Number of diamond
!gold = …
!Silver = …
Ok I’ll ask again,
What do you want the min and max numbers to be and, what do you want the odd of winning to be? 100% 50%…
100-1000 just that…
but all i just want is when they type !gold (silver,diamond) they will get random numbers $(user) of gold… (i know it nonsense) it is like ROLLING the DICE!!!
sorry im not good english btw. but thanks alot for the reply and help appreciate it.
Try this:
!addcom !silver $(user) got $(eval Math.floor(Math.random()*900+100)) silver!!!
!addcom !gold $(user) got $(eval Math.floor(Math.random()*900+100)) gold!!!
!addcom !diamond $(user) got $(eval Math.floor(Math.random()*900+100)) diamonds!!!
Those should work how you want them to work
Get rid of the !addcom and just call the command !silver and keep the message the same
Thanks alot sir… finally and its working…
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