Having trouble uploading my emotes

I followed all the instructions for the emotes size and everytime i upload them it says Error 1x whats wrong ?

This means that you’re not uploading a valid emote for the 28x28 resolution image. Check that you’re uploading a PNG or GIF within the size and resolution limitations.

Got the same issue, these are the files that I’m uploading to each and I still receive the same error message. Any help?
http://imgur.com /a/tM64M

The files are not the sizes you listed. For example, your 112x112 is 175x175

Do the other two files have the right size?, If so if I upload the smaller png for 112x112 will that work?

From Google Search, here’s a help article for finding the resolution of an image: http://www.ehow.com/how_6906723_determine-image-resolution.html

Nevermind, all sorted. Thanks for the help

http://imgur.com /a/rp6gC#11
These are all my images for 4 different emotes, the sort that you put together to make a larger emote, all the res are fine but they get rejected for not having a transparent background when theyre meant to be a solid emote, what should I do?