Google Apps Script Integration with Nightbot - "Response Must Be Less Than 400 Characters" Error

Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue integrating my Google Apps Script API with Nightbot. The script is designed to manage a queue for playing with viewers across multiple Twitch channels. It functions well when tested directly in the browser, but when I try to use the !list command in Nightbot, I encounter this error:

[Response must be less than 400 characters]

Script Details:

The script handles various actions, including join, leave, list, tipupdate, and next, to efficiently manage the viewer queue across multiple channels. Here’s the full code for reference:
Nightbot Commands:

Below are the Nightbot commands I’m using, with the API URL replaced by YOUR_CODE:

Join Command:

!join $(urlfetch$(user)&channel=$(channel)&userlevel=$(userlevel)&tip=0)

Leave Command:

!leave $(urlfetch$(user)&channel=$(channel))

List Command:

!list $(urlfetch

Tip Update Command (Moderators Only):

!tipupdate $(urlfetch$(user)&tip=$(query))

Next Command (Moderators Only):

!next $(urlfetch$(userlevel))


When accessing the API URL directly in a browser, the script returns plain text responses as expected, such as:

The queue is currently empty.

However, when I use the !list command in Nightbot, I receive the error “[Response must be less than 400 characters]” even though the response appears to be well within the character limit.
What I’ve Tried:

Ensured the API response is plain text using ContentService.createTextOutput().
Added a truncation function to limit the response length if it exceeds 400 characters.
Tested both the /dev and /exec URLs of the Google Apps Script.
Verified that the API works correctly in the browser without any errors.

Additional Context:

The purpose of the script is to manage a viewer queue across multiple channels for streamers who play games with their viewers. It prioritizes users based on tip amounts and subscriber status, ensuring a fair and efficient queue system.
Request for Help:

I’m seeking assistance on how to resolve this issue. Could it be related to hidden metadata or additional headers being included when Nightbot fetches the response? Is there a way to enforce a simpler response that Nightbot can handle without exceeding the character limit?

Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

The length of the script posted is 5021 characters which exceeds the limit. We’d rather the use the of the Nightbot API rather than attempting to recreate a command only implementation.

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