Get ethereum wallet info

how would i make any of these commands
(these are for discord)

!ethstats @NAME – brings up their wallet (how much they have, wallet id) (if they have set one), gives an oh noes response if no wallet.
!ethstats (no query) – brings up wallet with id 0x39FAAF52C1068079AE2E852b6E721F20Fc44C675
!ethmine – brings up wallet with id 0x39FAAF52C1068079AE2E852b6E721F20Fc44C675 and if possible, gets miner status from and tells the user if the miner rig1 is mining or not

Do you want Nanopool’s internal balance or the actual balance for each address?

How will users set their person address?

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actually ignore the first one and 2nd one, but yeah i would like nanopools internal balance, and if you can add that together with the wallet balance.

Here’s the eval part of the command:

$(eval const m = $(urlfetch json; `Balance: ${m.balance} - Current Hashrate: ${m.hashrate} Mh/s`)

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