Hello, I want to make a command that states a message after the user gets a certain value. I have started on the command.
!addcom !gang $(user) Is $(customapi http://2g.be/twitch/randomnumber.php?=defstart=1&defend=100 )% Gang!
but i want it say something like “you are not gang” if the user gets a value under 50% & “you are certified gang” if the user gets a value 50% and over
This should work:
!addcom !gang $(eval a=Math.floor(Math.random()*100+1);if(a>50){b="$(user) is certified gang."}else{b="$(user) is not gang."};b)
I can make it so that the message will always be the same for the person but right now it’s random 50/50 chance of which message.
Hope this helped
September 20, 2020, 2:03am
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