[Error Connecting To WebProxy Service] in my commands

when i use this commands

!age - /me [touser] [urlfetch]

to show my age in twitch account

When I try it, the result is [Error Connecting To WebProxy Service]

Hey @i_3ksh!

We can’t help if we don’t know what’s in the $(urlfetch).

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just someone tell me i think it is wrong

i want when i typr !age in my chat tell me “The date the account was created”

example :

We need to actually know what link you have in the urlfetch the full command it should look more like this:

/me $(touser) $(urlfetch LINK_YOUR_USING_HERE)

Without this information there not much we can do to help you as we don’t know what the issue is.

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Click on kI56WArBiX and copy the content of the command here.

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