!elo not working

Hi guys, i paste command to nightbot - !elo

$(eval const o = $(urlfetch json https://wombot.fi/nightbot/elo/USERNAME?format=full); o.message || Level ${o.level} | ${o.elo} Elo | ${o.eloDiff > 0? "+" : ""}${o.eloDiff} today | ${o.recentMatches.filter(m=> m.teamId === m.i2).length} Wins | ${o.recentMatches.filter(m=> m.teamId !== m.i2).length} Losses ${(o.estWin && o.estLoss) ? | Est Win: +${o.estWin}, Est Loss: -${o.estLoss} : ""})

But when i trying it, Nightbot says : Unexpected identifier
How 2 fix?

i feel like a couple symbols r missing… purely based on the code… and then it appears u need to change USERNAME in the link to a username, i’m assuming for an in game name for whatever elo is…

$(eval const o = $(urlfetch json https://wombot.fi/nightbot/elo/USERNAME?format=full);`${o.message} || Level ${o.level} | ${o.elo} Elo | ${o.eloDiff > 0? "+" : ""}${o.eloDiff} today | ${o.recentMatches.filter(m=> m.teamId === m.i2).length} Wins | ${o.recentMatches.filter(m=> m.teamId !== m.i2).length} Losses ${(o.estWin && o.estLoss) ? `| Est Win: +${o.estWin}, Est Loss: -${o.estLoss}` : ""}`)
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