[CustomAPI] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege API commands (unofficial!)

As proposed in this GitHub issue by the user pushontom I implemented another work-around ie. solution for players using any sort of whitespace character in their nick names unable to fetch their rb6 resources via my API.

You can now copy your profile Id found in the URL of your ubisoft profile page https://game-rainbow6.ubi.com/
and parse it as ‘nick=’ query parameter instead.

Be sure that your profile Id matches the form of

https:// game-rainbow6.ubi.com/en-us/uplay/player-statistics/ 77c4b04d-f7ed-4914-b911-44f1ef1a9b85/multiplayer

  • Copy it.


  • Insert it.

$(urlfetch https://rainbowsix7nightbot.herokuapp.com/rainbowsix7.php?platform=YourPlatformHere&nick=77c4b04d-f7ed-4914-b911-44f1ef1a9b85&command=rank)