[CustomAPI] Rocket League Rank Nightbot Command (Offline)

I'm sorry, it's over. Due to some unfortunate happenings, unfortunately this project had to come to an end. As of now this command is not longer available. Thanks for over 4.487.000 command calls.

For any questions, suggestions or bugs, join RL CHATBOT RANK COMMAND DISCORD

This is “working” with other bots, but this tutorial is for Nightbot only.
If you’re using a different bot or if you’re having trouble creating the
command try the RL Twitch Rank Command Builder)

We strongly recommend to use this API only for Chatbots. Any misuse could affect the API negatively. Outside use is limited to one request every 3 minutes.
This API was not created for mass requests. If you’re unsure, whether your requests might be too much or not, it’s better to ask first, together we might work something out that suits your needs better.
Misuse, exploiting or providing incorrect information results in a ban.

Introduction & Installation

Ever wanted to show your Twitch viewers what rank you are in Rocket League in chat?
Well, now you can!
By typing a simple command, Nightbot will output all your Rocket League Ranks straight into chat.

Either use RL Twitch Rank Command Builder or by hand ONLY change (in the following code snippet) USERID into your Steam profiles id, psn name, or xbox name, and PLATFORM into either steam, ps or xbox. Use the hyphen character for spaces.

Simply paste the code (after changing) into your TwitchChat to add the command to your Nightbot:

Of course, you can change “!rank” into anything you want.
You are also able to specify what you want your output to be. Simply add the following snippets to the URL Adding nothing to the URL will output every rank as usual.

Hide Username Text:

Custom seperator:

For 1v1:

For 2v2:

For 3v3:

For Solo 3v3:

For Hoops:

For Dropshot:

For Rumble:

For Snowday:

user=DxRRaZoRz&plat=steam&plat=steam&1v1=true ← will output only 1v1
user=DxRRaZoRz&plat=steam&plat=steam&1v1=true&hoops=true ← will output only 1v1 and hoops
user=al3x-311&plat=xbox ← hyphen as space


Show viewer ranks in chat
Want your viewers to check their own Rocket League ranks, or ranks from others, with one simple command?
Then use this line instead:

Usage: !rlstats [steamid/PSN Name/Xbox Name] [steam/ps/xbox]
Use the hyphen character for spaces.
Again, you can change “!rlstats” into anything you want.
If you want to show specific ranks only, you can use the same method as shown above (adding the rank at the end of the URL)

Working command examples:
!rlstats 76561198072696308 steam
!rlstats chausette45 ps
!rlstats Madmassacre510 xbox
!rlstats al3x-311 xbox ← hyphen as space


Custom output (BETA since 8th March, 2020)
Either use RL Twitch Rank Command Builder or by hand ONLY change (in the following code snippet) USERID into your Steam profiles id, psn name, or xbox name, and PLATFORM into either steam, ps or xbox. Use the hyphen character for spaces in those 2 fields, not in the custom field! For custom text read below.

Simply write your custom text and feel free to use as many placeholders as you want. Paste the code (after entering your id and platform and the custom text) into your TwitchChat to add the command to your Nightbot.

Examples and a list of all placeholders below.

custom=Hello my name is !name! and my 1s rank is !1sName! with !1sMMR! MMR and I have !goals! Goals.
For player name:

For 1v1 rank name / mmr:
!1sName! / !1sMMR!

For 2v2 rank name / mmr:
!2sName! / !2sMMR!

For 3v3 rank name / mmr:
!3sName! / !3sMMR!

For Solo 3v3 rank name / mmr:
!Solo3sName! / !Solo3sMMR!

For Hoops rank name / mmr:
!HoopsName! / !HoopsMMR!

For Dropshot rank name / mmr:
!DropName! / !DropMMR!

For Rumble rank name / mmr:
!RumbleName! / !RumbleMMR!

For Snowday rank name / mmr:
!SnowName! / !SnowMMR!

For Goals / Assists / Saves / GoalShotRatio / MVPs / Shots / Wins:
!goals! / !assists! / !saves! / !gsratio! / !mvps! / !shots! / !wins!


Example output & Testing

$#@%!'s current ranks | 1v1: Unranked (-1) | 2v2: Grand Champion (1156) | Solo 3v3: Superstar (879) | 3v3: Superstar (944)

Dareyck’s current ranks | 1v1: Champion II (1271) | 2v2: Grand Champion (1560) | Solo 3v3: Champion III (1258) | 3v3: Champion III (1472)

Hello my name is guy and my 1s rank is Champion II with 1121 MMR and I have 34,212 Goals.

There could be a problem with displaying some names, but that’s on TrackerNetworks end.
You can test it on my channel Twitch
!rank !rlstats


Check out the source code of this project here:

After all these years… a special thanks to


Thank you very much for the mentions and thanks!

Command looks great, and you’re seemingly using a much cleaner method to pull the data than I did in the past.

Very nice work!

1 Like

Oh yes!
I needed this so bad.

Works fine, thanks

Is there a way you can include current ranks?

What do you mean? The ranks displayed for the actual season are always your current ones. Of course, the ranks for earlier seasons are the season end ranks.

Or do you mean the rank name, like Shooting Star Division V?

yes rank name. Sorry for not being specific.
Or a way to access that. I can do the coding myself.


Uhm yes. That’s possible.

EDIT: Because of the new version, the rank names are included permanently.

You’re a god! I noticed a small bug… Xbox users with spaces on their gamer tag unfortunately don’t work.

I see the problem. It’s because Twitch thinks its the next parameter …

Even if I put it manually in the url it still doesnt work.


Are you using an API? To be honest I’m not using this just for Nightbot and it could spare me time if I got it directly from an API. I’ve tried the psyonix cracked one but I can’t make it work.

Ok I found the problem. You’re using tracker network and they escape the space to an hypen.

It works now.

How do you get the data from their website? I’ve tried to ask them and they are not answering me :frowning:

Uhm, the space character should work in the url. I tried it just now. It’s just twitch thinking its the next parameter(if used in chat, in URL it should work anyway). But as you said, use a hyphen in twitch instead of space.

Regarding how I get the data, well I simply asked Tracker Network on Twitter. It took a while til they responded though.

Well thank you for taking time replying me @kilroy_2
For now I’ll just use your link to get the data if you let me. I’m not doing many requests anyway.
You’re a god.


Closing due to author request.