[CustomAPI] Queue system

Hey, I need to translate the messages sent by the bot. How can i do that?

Hiya, that’s currently not possible.

im streaming on youtube an the queue bot is messing up with error code 404

Hiya, this should be resolved now.

Hi, thanks for your work, I wanted to know if you can do this on streamelements.

No problem. Nope, this only works for Nightbot.

Enorabuena this application is 10. I use it on my channel and on several channels of friends so all my congratulations.
Just a couple of questions, the command that returns! List in mobiles and in tables, the link cannot be clicked, could it be fixed?

And the second, I would like to change all the language responses. I would not care if it is possible to host the project to do it more comfortably, is it possible? Thank you very much in advance

Hi, we started using this queue system on a Discord server to allow users to submit things for a streamer to review and it works just the way we need it to! However, I noticed above that it looks like the message length for the !join $message command is limited to 100 characters currently after it was bumped up from 50. The way we’re using it, the messages the users are submitting may be several hundred characters long. Is this something we can easily configure, or is it something that would have to be changed on the backend?

Hiya, thanks for reporting the link bug, however Twitch doesn’t seem to link my .be domain, I’ll see if I can use a different domain to fix that.

It is currently not possible to change the language of the responses, unless you host it yourself. Check https://github.com/xgerhard/nbqueue to see how to set it up.

Hiya, thanks for the suggestion, however this is not something I will implement, since the limit of a complete message will be 200 regardless, and I want to leave some space for leading/trailing text besides the user message.

Is it possible to add a feature that automatically removes inactive users from a queue? E.g. after they haven’t written anything within the last 5 minutes or so?

Hi! I’m wondering if we can get a userlevel for “follower”. I like to restrict my queues to Twitch users who are following my channel.

Hiya, I’m using the userlevels provided by Nightbot: https://docs.nightbot.tv/variables/userlevel
So for now a follower userlevel is not possible.

Oh! Ok, I get it. :slight_smile:

Hey so first off, Thank you for making this! it is awesome and has helped a lot!
i dont know if it is a usual behavior but a channel i mod for is using this and we closed the default queue and it wiped everyone on the list after i refreshed to make sure it was up to date. maybe i did something wrong on my end though.

Thanks for your time! all the best.

@TheElderPotato27 Hiya, thanks for the kind words! I have not heard that behavior before, I’m not sure what went wrong there. The only time the queue is cleared if a queue is deleted, or if the ‘clear’ command is used, could it be someone mistyped clear instead of close?

i definitely used !close and even tried it in a queue i named. but i will do some more testing today and let you know if i run into a fix.

ok i figured out the issue. So when you close the queue and refresh the page it minimizes the tray of the queue and there is no indicator that it is minimized so it just looked like it was cleared. if it is possible to have an arrow to indicate if its minimized or not that would be great just to avoid confusion. but either way thanks again for the awesome work :smiley:

Ahh, ok, thanks for clarifying! Glad it didn’t empty your queue then. Yeah, so how the list page works, it will auto expand the list of the queue that is currently open. So that would explain it being minimized on your page after closing and refreshing. But good suggestion, adding some sort of indication, I will have a look at that.

Im having an issue installing the que software with the link provided. I go through the process and I click “Allow” access to my twitch and a new window displays “something went wrong” i have tried using different browsers to do this and i still get the same message.