I am attempting to get a 250+ character command on my YouTube Nightbot account, and I got as far as using a custom Nightbot API to submit the command via a curl command, however when I send the command I am unable to send an ampersand (’&’) through it.
Here is a sample of what I mean:
.BAT File: (Removed any unimportant code and any security tokens of course)
curl -X POST "https://api.nightbot.tv/1/commands"
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234567890qwertyuiop"
-d "message=$(eval if(...){const req = `$(urlfetch https://website.com/command?value1=YouTube~~$(userlevel)~~$(userid)&value2=$(user)&value3=$(querystring))`; `@$(user): Your Level Code "$(querystring)" has been submitted!`;}else{`@$(user): Error`;})"
-d "userLevel=everyone"
-d "coolDown=5"
-d "name=!test"
"message":"$(eval if( . . . command?value1=YouTube~~$(userlevel)~~$(userid)",
For some reason the ampersand (’&’) just cuts the message short.
I have tried replacing the ‘&’ with the following:
"^&" - Thought this was command line related, not at all the case. Results in the same thing, but ends the message with “^” instead
"%26" - Thought it needed to be encoded, but this did not encode properly. The message had the full text this time, but where an “&” would have been, there was a “6” instead, essentially ignoring the “%2” (probably a command line related reason).
I am out of ideas for what to do, so I was hoping someone here knew what was going on and how to fix it / wok around it, or if there is a better solution than what I am attempting to do. Thank you in advance!