You’d need to make another service that handles google documents with Nightbot which is a lot of work.
Another option is to implement a quote like system but instead of quotes you use games. Here are some links to the original source and some ideas to help you out.
This custom api adds Quote functionality for your channel through nightbot.
It allows you to add quotes, and have users request random or specific quotes.
Warning: This is meant to be a system for adding quotes in Twitch chat, and not an arbitrary database. There is no guarantees for uptime or data retention. I reserve the right to limit and boot off any abusive use of this API at anytime. If you want a database, please host your own custom API.
Automatic Installation
For this me…
Hello, I am looking to create a highlight command that will do the following.
Number them, counting upwards (I can just use the $(count) function for this bit), and mark the date as well as the time.
I would also like it to capture the latter part of the message, after the command call, so it would add a description so I can better sift through what is valuable and what is just a waste of time.
I would then like it to gather all the highlight requests, and put them in order, returning when us…