Command to Pull New Subs after X date?

Hi all. I’m mod-ing for a streamer who’s set a sub goal for x number of NEW subs as of today. I was trying to use a similar command I’ve used for past sub goals
$(channel) is $(eval 6 - $(twitch $(channel) “{{subscriberCount}}”)) subs away from the goal!
but that’s not giving me exactly what I want since it includes current subs as well. Is there a variable I can pull for subs since X date so that I can pull an accurate list of NEW subs? Or is the only way to do this, keeping a variable counter that I increment each time? Any help is appreciated!

The easiest way would be incremeting a counter yourself but it may be possible with the use of the quote api. But I recommend going the first route

Thanks, I figured that’s what it’d have to wind up being, just wanted to ask in case there was a better option out there.

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