Command for a random and targeted viewer

Hello everyone, have a good mood. Help make a command that would mark both a targeted user and a random one. Used before but it stopped working with random user. An example of a command was taken from the forum. $(eval r=$(urlfetch$(channel)); $(query)?$(user) slaps ${decodeURIComponent( $(querystring))}.:$(user) slaps ${r}.:wink:

Parsing error at position 7: Mismatched input list, missing end of inputs

Hey @phant0m4lk!

The random user API has been shut down due to Twitch now requiring authentication to use the endpoint the API was using, that means that people who’d wish to use the API would need to login with their Twitch account first, and maintain a valid connection, which is far from ideal and user-friendly.
Any new API who would offer such feature will be confronted to the same issue.

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