Can nightbot inform livechatmod to ban a user?

Is it possible to this? Im brainstorming all night just to configure how nightbot inform livechatmod to ban a user. Can someone up to the task? The help will be greatly appreciated.

@Daisuke_Manago Heya, welcome to the community. Well, I guess this is not possible. But, a similar thing can be done using Nightbot’s “Spam Protection”.

Enable “Blacklist Words/Phrases” and make a list of all blacklisted words and set Timeout Length to 5 seconds, and set the custom message. Eg. “You are posting a blacklisted word. Requesting the Moderator to ban him/her

Suppose the list of blacklisted words are “word1, word2, word3, ... wordn” and, the user commented one of those words in Live Chat. Then the response will be like this.

User1: Hi
User2: Hi word1
Nightbot: @User2 -> You are posting a blacklisted word. Requesting the Moderator to ban him/her [warning]

After the Nightbot message, User2's message will be deleted by Nightbot and he/she will get the Timeout of 5 seconds.

Please don’t laugh after reading this. Hope this will work.

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