Can nightbot give a delayed response to a command?

Hey @theshreddingmonkey!

Allow me to try to recap to see if I understood well:

User: !pizza
Nightbot: [random pizza with random toppings]
Nightbot: Your pizza is in the oven and will be ready in 2 minutes
... — 2 minutes later —
Nightbot: Your [random pizza with random toppings] is ready, User!

If that’s what you’re looking for, then it’s not possible, there’s no way for Nightbot to remember the value of a variable once the command ran, and in case of the multiple message API, it uses Nightbot API to send extra messages, the command has finished running the first time Nightbot responds.

What I can suggest is giving each user an “order number,” and then you can use bits of this code I wrote before: