[bug] Nightbot parse arguments wrong in Discord

simple command !z
$(1) $(2) $(3) $(4) $(5) $(6) $(7) $(8) $(9)

!z 1 2 3 4 5 6
There are two spaces between 3 and 4.

1 2 3 null 4 5 6 null null

1 2 3 4 5 6 null null null

Probably just using splitting by single spaces instead of detecting multiple spaces.

according to https://docs.nightbot.tv/commands/variables/arguments

This should be a bug. I know single space works.
But I can’t control user inputs spaces accidentally or intentionally.

You shouldn’t control it. If users can’t type properly that’s considered user error and they should get a malformed response.

According to documents, Nightbot should parse it correctly.

I think it may be str.split(’ ') and str.split(/ +/) difference, easy fix.

Nightbot is working as intended, and this is not considered a bug.

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