BTTV Emotes inside colons (for example 🤔) not loading/working properly

As the topic says, all emotes inside : colons are not working properly, this has been going for at least a month now i think.

This is what my chat looks like when people spam those emotes with colons:

I can’t keep bttv emotes on because it makes chat impossible to read when people type those emotes, all i see is those long ass “failed to load” boxes everywhere.

  1. I just tried to remove and install bttv again, no fix
  2. Chrome is in latest version i just updated, no fix

Emoji emotes are hosted by Twitter’s CDN for their open source emoji project. We do not host them, so we’re not able to fix it.

Hello sir, can i turn off emojis what way? I wanna still use BTTV emotes (the main reason i use it), so would be awesome to remove :emojis: or somehow manually block them.

I had the same problem. I had Privacy Badger extension installed on chrome. It was blocking the Twitter emoji CDN. It looks something like “twemoji”.

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