AutoDJ problems

Hi again, I have been having issues these past days with the AutoDJ. It does not automatically play when I initially go to the site anymore. If I refresh it will play or sometimes press play (although that does not always work either) but once the song is over, it will not continue to the next song. I have to refresh the page to get it to change songs now. I was not sure if it was just me or not but it has been like this the past days. I have the window open and up, so not minimized since Google Chrome does not play if it is not up and open. Just not sure of the issue.

Are the songs that get stuck from YouTube, Soundcloud, or Spotify?

Whichever source the AutoDJ uses. I believe it is trying to use SoundCloud. I have not tried doing the song requests yet since the AutoDJ was bugging.

Users have been reporting issues with SoundCloud lately that we are not able to reproduce. Perhaps you can disable SoundCloud in the AutoDJ settings and swap the Playlist over to Channel to fix your problems.

I suppose that would be a temporary fix, I use the Monstercat playlist though to have music while streaming that is not muted. Also because I do not have a set playlist and it is nice having different songs play. Is there no way to fix the issue?

The only fix to prevent this is to not play anything from Soundcloud, the MonsterCat playlist is composed of both Youtube and Soundcloud. Changing the playlist would prevent Soundcloud from playing. I’m sure you can a MonsterCat like playlist on Youtube and add it to your Personal Playlist.

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